Micro-Distributing is a leading provider of drug and alcohol testing products and services, offering a comprehensive solutions that are easily customized to suit any drug testing and screening programs needs including FDA approved testing devices and SAMHSA certified laboratory services. MD has developed strategic partnerships with the best the drug testing and screening industry has to offer for a true One-Source Solution.
Experience. Micro-Distributing has sold millions of drug tests and screening services to all sizes of companies in all type of industries around the world since 1999. We are constantly striving to ensure the best quality, accuracy, selection, value, and availability of the drug testing products/services we sell. Our knowledge and expertise has enabled us to offer a level of support that exceeds our clients’ expectations. Our ability to satisfy Fortune 500 clients and large government contracts just as well as the small local business owner has helped us earn our reputation for great products and service.
Staff. Our team of staff are well-trained, experienced, and committed to excellence. These health professionals, information specialists, account managers, and logistics managers clearly understand the importance of testing and screening services to every business they serve. These are problem-solvers, dedicated to customer satisfaction.
Benefits. Drug and alcohol testing has become a vital component in employment, treatment, correctional/judicial, and school extra-curricular opportunity decisions. By sourcing this important function to our Team, companies gain valuable benefits.
- 24/7 Technical Support Hotline.
- Fast and accurate results using FDA approved instant drug test kits.
- Thorough lab results with GC/MS confirmation services from a SAMHSA certified laboratory and Medical Review services from a certified MRO.
- Nationwide access to products and services.
- On-line ordering, training, and test results.
- Competitive pricing based on aggregate volume of many clients
- Customized training solutions based on our clients’ needs.
- Assistance to ensure regulatory compliance.
- Outstanding customer service – Rapid response and single point of contact for all services.
- Cutting-edge technology – access, confidentiality, automation and data management.