AD-6 | Specific Gravity (SG), Oxidants (OX), Acidity (pH), Creatinine (CR), Nitrites (NI), Glutaraldehyde (GL) |
Tests for the presence of oxidizing agents such as bleach and hydrogen peroxide. Normal human urine should not contain oxidants or PCC.
Tests for sample dilution. The normal range is from 1.003 to 1.030. Values outside this range may be the result of specimen dilution or adulteration.
Tests for the presence of acidic or alkaline adulterants in urine. Normal pH levels should be in the range of 4.0 to 9.0. Values outside of this range may indicate the sample has been altered.
Tests for commonly used commercial adulterants such as Klear or Whizzies. They work by oxidizing the major cannabinoid metabolite THC-COOH.3 Normal urine should contain no trace of nitrite. Positive results generally indicate the presence of an adulterant.
Tests for the presence of an aldehyde. Adulterants such as UrinAid and Clear Choice contain glutaraldehyde which may cause false negative screening results by disrupting the enzyme used in some immunoassay tests. Glutaraldehyde is not normally found in urine; therefore, detection of glutaraldehyde in a urine specimen is generally an indicator of adulteration.
Creatinine is a waste product of creatine, an amino acid contained in muscle tissue and found in urine. A person may attempt to foil a test by drinking excessive amounts of water or diuretics such as herbal teas to “flush” the system. Creatinine and specific gravity are two ways to check for dilution and flushing, which are the most common mechanisms used in an attempt to circumvent drug testing. Low creatinine and specific gravity levels may indicate dilute urine. The absence of creatinine (< 5 mg/dL) is indicative of a specimen not consistent with human urine.
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AD-6 | Specific Gravity (SG), Oxidants (OX), Acidity (pH), Creatinine (CR), Nitrites (NI), Glutaraldehyde (GL) |
Micro Distributing
620 Kennedy Court
P.O. Box 1753
Belton, TX. 76513
Phone: 254-939-8923
Toll Free: 866-933-0964
Fax: 254-939-5867
Business Hours: M-F, 8 - 5 CST
Email for Info: [email protected]
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